
Jazz Workshop

At the heart of the International Jazz-Werkstatt is the Jazz Workshop. Taught by renowned musicians, participants of all ages and abilities will acquire, expand and improve their skills in (jazz-oriented) musical improvisation together.

International Jazzwerkstatt 2019: Masterclasses mit Gilad Atzmon Masterclasses mit Randolph Matthews

The workshop day will start out with the "master classes" for all participants, followed by singing and instrumental lessons. In the afternoon, students and teachers focus on combo lessons. The vocalists among the participants may choose between being part of a combo or working with individual songs in a "vocal combo". In the evening, the teachers give a concert and then close the day with joint music sessions of students and teachers. On the last day of the event, students will perform in front of a larger audience.

Usually there are concerts in the evenings, which - due to corona - unfortunately have to be canceled. Instead, sessions and smaller * internal * concerts are planned, which we will make public as soon as possible on our youtube account International Jazzwerkstatt.

International Jazzwerkstatt 2019: Masterclasses Teilnehmer Johannes Müller beim Erklären einer Übungsaufgabe für sein Team Masterclasses mit Jim Hart

In addition to the musical instrument training, participants will play together in ensembles or sessions and: practice listening. Participants who want to learn about harmonies will also have the opportunity to master the most important fundamental principles of harmony in jazz music.



One-day "werkstatt choir"-workshop for everyone on August 11, 2019, with Barbara Bürkle

Anyone, who wants to experience how much fun active participation can bring, is invited to come around and give it a try on Sunday, August 12, 2018. All interested singers are cordially invited to work with the internationally renowned singer Cleveland Watkiss.

Tagesworkshop JazzChor mit Cleveland Watkiss

The schedule is as follows:
The singers will be taught in two blocks - in the morning from 10:00 am and in the afternoon from 2:00 pm - and in the late afternoon another rehearsal is planned at the Campus Nobel. If everything works out as planned, the "choir" will perform the practiced pieces in the evening at a public event at the Werkshalle of the Campus.

The course fee is 35€ per person. For participants of the Jazz Workshop the one-day "jazz choir" is free.

For more information please contact:
Cornelia Rohe
Tel.: 06838 9007-128

Timetable International Jazzwerkstatt 2024

General information about the workshop process:

The morning starts at 9:30 a.m. with offers for all participants: Pulse and then a master class. They take place in the auditorium of the "JazzCampus Schule an der Waldwies" (An der Waldwies 2-4, 66793 Saarwellingen). More information is available here.

Instrumental lessons
Instrumental lessons take place between 11:15 and 12:30am an 14:30 and 15:45pm at the "JazzCampus an der Waldwies" (An der Waldwies 2-4, 66793 Saarwellingen). Depending on the instrument that they play, the students are divided into small(est) groups, the lessons are given as individual lessons and/or in groups.

For those interested, there is the opportunity to receive instruction on the basics of jazz from Claus Krisch between 2.30pm and 3.45pm: "Jazz in theory and practice" - introduction to the theoretical basics of jazz and practical exercises in rhythm, melody and harmony with and without instruments. If you are interested, please register in advance !

Combos take place between 16:00 and 17:30pm at "JazzCampus an der Waldwies" (An der Waldwies 2-4,66793 Saarwellingen) statt. More information is available here. Students are devided into combos that rehearse in different rooms with different teachers. The teachers always work in a team. One of the combos works exclusively with singers. The groups are always <10.

Concerts and JamSessions
Concerts and JamSessions take place at Campus Nobel, Alfred-Nobel-Allee 64,66793 Saarwellingen, betweenn 7:00 p.m. (Final concerts of the participants) or 7:30 p.m. (lecturer concerts) and 9 p.m.. Afterwards there will be two jam sessions, one in the factory hall on the Nobel campus and, alternatively, Wednesday-Saturday in the town hall cellar.



monday, 12th august 2024

18.00h Sign in at Campus
19.30h Start of the openig concert
22.00h Start ot the first jam session


tuesday, 13th august 2024

09.30h Masterclass:
11.00h Breakfast break
11.15h Instrumental lessons I
12.30h Lunch
14.30h Instrumental lessons II
15.45h Break
16.00h Ensembles
17.30h Ensembles End
19.00h eat together and make music together


wednesday, 14th august 2024

09.30h Masterclass:
11.00h Breakfast break
11.15h Instrumental lessons I
12.30h Lunch
14.30h Instrumental lessons II
15.45h Break
16.00h Ensembles
17.30h Ensembles End
19.30h teachers concert and Jamsession
23.00h Jam Session End


thursday, 15th august 2024

09.30h Masterclass:
11.00h Breakfast break
11.15h Instrumental lessons I
12.30h Lunch
14.30h Instrumental lessons II
15.45h Break
16.00h Ensembles
17.30h Ensembles End
19.30h teachers concert and Jamsession
23.00h Jam Session End


friday, 16th august 2024

09.30h Masterclass:
11.00h Breakfast break
11.15h Instrumental lessons I
12.30h Lunch
14.30h Instrumental lessons II
15.45h Break
16.00h Ensembles
17.30h Ensembles End
19.30h teachers concert and Jamsession
23.00h Jam Session End


saturday, 17th august 2024

09.30h Masterclass:
11.00h Breakfast break
11.15h Instrumental lessons I
12.30h Lunch
14.30h Ensembles
15.45h Break
16.00h Ensembles
17.30h Ensembles End

19.00h final Ensembles with celebration